Learn about our services
Studio Brio offers a range of services that can be delivered one on one or in a group setting. Have a read through some of the options below, or please get in touch to discuss your individual needs.
Starting with a conversation and a short quiz, Studio Brio offers a personality profiling service and personalised sessions to help you figure out what makes you tick.
Designed as a stand alone session, spend an hour getting back in touch with your needs with Angela’s guidance
Click here to arrange a chat
If you have a need to create better harmony within your team, understanding your people is key in order to build a healthy, thriving workplace. Take your people on the journey of business with you, by helping them connect with themselves, you and their workmates on a whole new level. Improve communication, get them working together better to improve performance and your bottom line. If you believe that your people are the most important asset you have in your business - then let’s talk about options to make it even better.
Studio Brio is passionate about doing the recruitment process right - and that means for you, your business and the people you are considering to join your team.
We can take the stress out of recruiting for your business while you get on with running your business.
If recruitment is not your passion, or you just don’t have the time to do it properly, we can help.
Our Services
1:1 Personal Development
Learning about yourself is the most rewarding thing you can do for yourself to lead the life you want to live. Understand your values, and achieve your dreams.
Group Workshops
Have a fun and informative morning or afternoon in a group setting. Learn about what makes you tick, why you react the way you do, why some people drive you nuts and others are “easy” to understand. Get clear about how you need to be loved and do some exploration about your true values.
Includes morning or afternoon tea!
Get your group together and register or join our waitlist for the next workshop.
Recruitment Services
Are you a small to medium business owner who needs some help with recruiting the right people for your business? Studio Brio can help. Services range from placing job ads, handling the applications, telephone screening and interviews plus reference checking. Pick the level that works for you. Enquire today.